The Chikungunya Virus

As we prepare for a trip to the tropics, we’re seeing alarming reports of a Chickungunya “epidemic” in some areas. Will that prevent us from taking this highly anticipated trek to the islands – even though our next destination is on the CDC list of Caribbean countries that have reported cases of Chickengunya? Heck no. But we certainly are prepared to take steps to prevent being infected with this virus transmitted by mosquitoes.

Currently there are no vaccines to prevent getting Chickungunya, so it’s extremely important to avoid mosquito bites. How? Here are a few suggestions.

1. Wear clothing that covers arms, legs and neck.

2. Use insect repellant and re-apply often. The CDC recommends using products with DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (we’ve loaded up on this product as we like to try the more natural options –
Repel 94109 Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent, 4-Ounce Pump Spray)
3. If possible, stay in screened and/or air conditioned rooms or use a bed net.

Find a few more “repellant” ideas here:
The Fight Against The Bite

If you’re planning a trip to the tropics soon, just prepare – be safe and have fun!

Find more Tropical Tips & More


The Fight Against The Bite

 Unfortunately insects like the tropics too. Mosquitos, No-See-Ums (sand fleas), ticks and more would love to make you their next tropical treat. And equally unfortunate is the fact that some folks just seem to be insect – especially mosquito – magnets. Studies show that approximately 20% of people are considered “high attractor types”. If the prospect of spending your well deserved time in paradise swatting and itching and returning with what appears to be a horrible case of the chicken pox actually makes you think twice about spending time on a beautiful beach dressed in anything other than a full body suit, here are a few tips on how to avoid becoming insect bait.

Anguilla2 - copyrightFirst of all, whether you are a “high attractor type” or not, everyone should take steps to protect themselves from insect and bug bites as they can, at the very least, cause discomfort and allergic reactions and far worse – insects are carriers of some very nasty diseases such as the West Nile Virus, malaria and dengue fever. Even if you are not prone to getting munched on, you should follow these important tips:

1. Either avoid being outside during peak mosquito and other insect hours – dusk to dawn, or take extra precautions such as covering up with more clothing and being vigilant in using a repellent.

2. Wear lighter clothing as mosquitos are apparently attracted to darker colors.

3. If your accommodations do not have screened windows, use a mosquito net while sleeping.

4. Avoid wearing perfumes or any products containing a fragrance.

What about bug repellent?
Experts believe at this time that the most effective ingredient in bug repellent is DEET and of course, the products with the highest concentration of DEET provide the most protection. But, some people are very sensitive or allergic to DEET and others are concerned about its potential toxicity.

Are there any alternatives to DEET? According to the CDC, other ingredients with good repellent value are: picaridin (KBR 3023), Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus/PMD, or IR3535. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely on all products to maximize efficiency and minimize side effects.

Are there more natural alternatives?
There are quite a few natural alternatives that are beginning to show promise in the fight against the bite. These include:

Essential Oils, such as citronella and eucalyptus

Neem (Azadirachta indica) mixed with coconut oil

Soybean oil-based repellents such as Bite Blocker

Mosquito Milk containing Lemon Grass

Here is a recipe for a Make It Yourself Natural Bug Repellent found on NYR Natural News:
Fill a small (4 oz.)spray bottle with:
1.5 oz. water
1.5 oz. vodka
15 drops citronella essential oil
15 drops eucalyptus oil
5 drops lemon grass
5 drops lavender
Shake the bottle before each use and spray on skin and clothing as necessary (requires more frequent application, at least every 2 hours)

And lastly these foods and supplements have shown some promise as well:

Garlic – some studies have shown that ingesting more garlic may increase your repellent ability, and that rubbing it on your skin may be even more effective, although it may repel more than mosquitos!

Vitamin B-1 – increasing the amount of vitamin B-1 in your diet for several weeks prior to your vacation is sworn to work by some.

As with all medications and supplements, be sure to check with your physician before trying anything new. And, most importantly, be prepared and find out what works for you before your next tropical escape to prevent disease, discomfort, allergic reactions and returning from vacation with a terrific tan, but legs that look like a connect the dots game!

Mosquito BitesHave you found some other effective way to prevent mosquitos, no-see-ums and other insects from making a meal out of you? If so, we’d love to hear them!

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